Vibrational Healing

Low Frequency Sonic-ceuticals

Frequency Bed


Vibrational Individualized Body Enhancement System

How Using Frequency Can Transform Your Life

How can we use frequency to up-level our life? What is the science behind the vibration and frequency of our bodies? How can vibration and frequency be used as medicine?

We often don’t realize that we utilize frequency every single day. Many think talk of frequency is ‘woo-woo’ but there is much science behind its infinite benefits. All of our states of being carry with them a frequency and it is through frequency that we connect to our past, our future and beyond. Yet one does not need to believe in the power of frequency in order to receive its benefits. This is science, this is physics, just like your heart beats without you having to command it to do so. Our heart has a frequency, our liver has a frequency, our brain has a frequency ~ each and every organ does just like our internal energy centers (chakras) and our mental states (angry, fearful, guilty, etc.). When we apply the appropriate frequency that we know can create a trigger response within the body, it creates a pathway and an opportunity for change both physiologically and energetically.

Imagine our bodies, including the spiritual “life-force” energetic aspect of us, as being a sponge that collects debris over time (low vibratory emotions, thoughts and stressors). When it gets overloaded and needs wringing out so that it can be fresh again to absorb more debris that we allow in, using vibrational frequency sound healing as that “wringing out” process to remove all debris thus allows ourselves to be new and clean as we were divinely designed to be. It allows the body to let go of whatever you are finished with. And frequency just “is.” It doesn’t have an opinion or an objective; it simply comes in and allows your body to take and do what it needs to reset itself back to balance and harmony. Our biography most definitely affects our biology!

How the VIBE BED Works: Full Body Neurological Entrainment aka Body Hypnosis

The VIBE Bed vibrates your entire body from head to toe through the use of low frequency sound waves and therapeutic music. You choose a vibrational resonance that aligns to you and what you are seeking during your vibroacoustic experience.

Laying in the field of harmonic resonance entrains the connective tissue of the body and the entire nervous system to release beneficial chemical effects through “ Vibrational Resonance”

Specialized music produced specifically for the VIBE, called Sonic-ceuticals, designed to create and support specific physiological effects

Sonic-ceuticals Programs

  • Energy Clearing
  • Emotional Balancing
  • Physical Healing / Stem Cell Activation
  • Anti-inflammatory / Detox
  • Brain and Nervous System Balancing
  • Transformation and Abundance
  • Self Actualization
  • Grounding
  • Outer Space

Sonic-ceuticals Benefits

  • Full body immersive experience for health
  • Wellbeing & optimal Human Performance
  • Enhanced Mood
  • Deep relaxation/parasympathetic
  • Cell Regeneration
  • Increased Mental Clarity
  • Clears cellular memory
  • Boost immune system
  • Improves sleep quality & more…


Schedule Session

**Disclaimer ~ Please do not schedule a Vibroacoustic Sound Therapy session if you are pregnant, have a seizure disorder or wear a pacemaker as the experience may be harmful